Studying Tips

Expert Studying Tips to Boost Your Academic Performance. 

By Reynah Thakur


Studying is an essential part of academic performance; however, it can be challenging to stay motivated and productive. Common obstacles to successful studying include procrastination, distractions, lack of motivation, and poor time management. But don't worry; there are several expert tips for overcoming these obstacles and boosting your academic performance. One key is to create a study schedule that works for you and allocate study sessions during times when you are most productive. Additionally, designating a study space that is free from distractions can help create a productive study environment. It's also essential to identify your learning style and adapt your studying techniques to cater to your unique learning needs. Utilizing resources that cater to your learning style can also enhance your productivity and performance. Preparing for tests can be stressful, but creating a study group, practicing mock tests, and avoiding cramming the night before can alleviate some anxiety. Maintaining good health and wellness habits, such as getting enough sleep and exercising regularly, can also enhance focus and cognitive abilities. Setting achievable goals, rewarding yourself, and staying positive can also help you stay motivated and on track. Implementing these expert studying tips is crucial for academic success, so why not try them out?

Time Management

Time Management: Let's be honest, studying can be pretty boring and time-consuming. But fear not, my friend, because time management is your new best friend! Creating a study schedule is the first step. This will help you stay organized and motivated. And trust me, there's nothing like the satisfaction of ticking off completed tasks from your to-do list. But what's more important than following a study schedule is finding the best time to study. It's essential to work with your natural circadian rhythm, so if you're a morning person, schedule your study sessions early in the day. If you're a night owl, make sure to allocate enough time for studying in the evening. And when it's time to hit the books, designate a study space. Whether it's your bedroom, a coffee shop, or the library, make sure it's a dedicated area with minimal distractions. Remember, time is a valuable commodity. With proper time management, you'll have more free time to engage in activities you truly enjoy. So, let's get planning!

Learning Style

Finding that one perfect method of studying that suits your learning style is like finding a needle in a haystack - it's not impossible, but it requires effort and maybe a bit of luck. But once you do find it, studying won't just be easier, it'll be enjoyable too. So, how exactly do you identify your learning style? First and foremost, try to see which approach between auditory, visual, and kinesthetic, resonates with you the most. Do you enjoy listening to lectures or swapping ideas with a friend? Do you remember things best when you’ve written them down or seen them on a screen? Or do you need to physically practice something or move around to understand it? Once you’ve found your learning style, you need to adapt your studying techniques to it. If you’re visual, try watching videos and using flashcards. If you’re auditory, record your notes and listen to them while on the go. And if you’re kinesthetic, engage in hands-on activities like experiments or simulations. Finally, make use of resources that cater to your learning style. If you're a visual learner, graphic organizers can help you connect the dots. Interactive games and simulations can work wonders for kinesthetic learners. Libraries, educational apps, and websites also offer a range of resources to choose from. So, find your style, adapt, and explore - never stop learning!

Test Preparation

Test Preparation: Creating a study group can help you stay motivated and learn from others, especially if you struggle to stay focused on your own. Practice with mock tests can also be beneficial, so you know what to expect on exam day. But let's be real, we all know that one person who crams for the test the night before and still manages to ace it. However, this is not a technique that should be relied upon. Instead, start preparing well in advance to avoid stress and anxiety. During exams, it's important to stay calm and focused. Take deep breaths, read each question carefully, and don't panic if you don't know an answer right away. Remember, it's better to take your time and answer correctly than to rush and make careless mistakes.

Health and Wellness

We all crave for a quick fix to improve our academic performance, but the truth is, it's all about the combination of small yet impactful everyday habits. Health and wellness play a big role in this. So let's talk about the essentials - Sleep, Exercise, Food, and Breaks. It's common knowledge that, on average, eight hours of sleep is recommended, but did you know that with each hour of sleep you miss, you get technically dumber by 1 IQ point? Which basically means that you need to hit up your zzz's to retain and retrieve what you've studied. Exercise isn't just for losing some of that freshman 15, it pumps up that brain of yours to retain more information, think positively, and avoid stress. So, fitting in some yoga, running, or even a bit of dancing keeps not just your body but also your mind active. Your brain needs fuel, and by fuel, we mean brain-boosting food. Foods such as blueberries, nuts, seeds, and spinach enhance mental clarity, whereas carbohydrates combined with proteins improve memory. Lastly, as tempting as it is to go on a 10-hour study spree, taking breaks and doing anything but studying ensures mental stability, keeping you from burning out. Remember, small steps reap big rewards, so a walk to the corner store or listening to some music is essential. In summary, prioritizing sleep, exercising, eating brain foods, and taking breaks are crucial for your academic performance.


Motivating yourself to study can be a challenge, especially when distractions are everywhere. But with some expert tips, you can get back on track. The first step is to set realistic, achievable goals, both short and long-term. This will help you stay focused and feel a sense of accomplishment along the way. When you reach those goals, don't forget to reward yourself! Treat yourself to a night out with friends or indulge in a favorite snack. Another important factor is to stay positive and believe in yourself. It's easy to get discouraged when things get tough, but a positive mindset can make all the difference. Try practicing positive affirmations or filling your environment with motivating quotes. And most importantly, don't forget to take breaks and have fun along the way. Studying doesn't have to be a chore, it can be a time to learn and grow in new and exciting ways!


So, there you have it, 10 expert studying tips to boost your academic performance. It's not enough to just read these tips, you need to implement them! Identify your learning style, use your resources wisely, create a study schedule, and stick to it. Take care of your health and well-being, exercise regularly, eat brain-boosting foods, and get enough sleep. Practice with mock tests, join a study group, and don't cram the night before exams. Set achievable goals, reward yourself for accomplishments, and stay positive. Remember, success in academics isn't just about intelligence, it's also about hard work and determination. Now, go ace those exams!